Linda Roschier artwork oil on canvas Secrets painting Snow
Secrets, 2023, oil on linen, 24 x 19 cm

linda roschier: secrets

June 2 - July 8, 2023

Snow is delighted to present Secrets, Linda Roschier’s first solo exhibition at Snow.


June 1, 6 - 8 pm

Helsinki based visual artist Linda Roschier's work are presented for the first time in a solo exhibition in Germany. On show are small sized oil paintings on linen. With Secrets, Linda Roschier is observing the ubiquitous secrets that linger around us. We can wonder how there is so much in the world that we don’t know about.

Linda Roschier’s paintings occupy the middle ground between the abstract and the figurative. She works intuitively, without planning or organising too much ahead. Roschier is interested in the human mind and subconscious, of how looking and perception works in a dialogue. In her work, often deriving from nature and its phenomena, the viewer can feel a strong sense of recognition, without always being able to put it into words. The study of colours and their relationships are in the core of Roschier’s practice.

Salaisuuksia - Secrets

Kun on yö, kun kuu pyörii taivaalla tanssien maapallon ympäri,

kun hämärä laskee niitylle ja kukkien takaa nousevat toiset kukat,

kun nukumme,

kun elämä voimistuen pyörteilee

As the night arrives,

As the Moon spins around Earth swirling, dancing

As the dusk falls on the meadow and another kind of flowers rise

As we sleep

As the life itself gets stronger, whirling

- Linda Roschier

Linda Roschier (b. 1979, Vantaa) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki in 2020. Her solo exhibitions have been seen at Tm-gallery, Gallery Huuto, and Exhibition Laboratory Project Room in Helsinki, as well as at Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo in Porvoo. Roschier has also participated in group exhibitions, such as Modern Love at Helsinki Contemporary. Her works are represented in the collection of the Finnish Art Society, as well as in numerous private collections

Curated by Susanne Johansson